Cambridge English First Result
Davies, Paul A.
Cambridge English First Result Paul A. Davies, Tim Falla. - Oxford Oxford University Press 2014. - 4 Vol. : ilust. 28 cm. + 1 MultiROM
The two online practice tests, accessed via the Workbook MultiROM, reflect the real exam and will help your students to improve their exam-taking skills. Students benefit from the interactive 'help' tools, such as automatic marking, instant feedback on answers, online dictionary look-up, exam tips, audio scripts, sample written answers and useful Speaking language.
9780194511858 (Workbook Resource Pack)
Inglés (Lengua) -- Estudio y enseñanza.
Inglés (Lengua) -- Tests de aptitud
Inglés (Lengua) -- Exámenes, preguntas, etc.
Cambridge English First Result Paul A. Davies, Tim Falla. - Oxford Oxford University Press 2014. - 4 Vol. : ilust. 28 cm. + 1 MultiROM
The two online practice tests, accessed via the Workbook MultiROM, reflect the real exam and will help your students to improve their exam-taking skills. Students benefit from the interactive 'help' tools, such as automatic marking, instant feedback on answers, online dictionary look-up, exam tips, audio scripts, sample written answers and useful Speaking language.
9780194511858 (Workbook Resource Pack)
Inglés (Lengua) -- Estudio y enseñanza.
Inglés (Lengua) -- Tests de aptitud
Inglés (Lengua) -- Exámenes, preguntas, etc.