Stilton, Geronimo,

Spacemice : away in a star sled Vol. 8 Space mice : away in a star sled Away in a star sled Geronimo Stilton. away in a star sled Spacemice : Geronimo Stilton. La magica notte delle stelle danzanti text by Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Giuseppe Facciotto (design) and Daniele Verzini (color) ; graphics by Francesca Sirianni ; translated by Anna Pizzelli. - 111 pages color illustrations 20 cm. - Spacemice bk.8 . - Stilton, Geronimo. Spacemice ; 8. .

Translation of: La magica notte delle stelle danzanti. The attributed author is a fictional mouse. In the Spacemice series, Geronimo recounts the adventures of Geronimo Stiltonix, captain of the MouseStar1 and Geronimo's alternate self in a parallel universe.

Each year in the cosmos, on the Night of Dancing Stars, the Elfix aliens distribute gifts to all the creatures of the galaxy. But this year, the holiday is fast approaching, and the spacemice discover that the Elfix have all disappeared. Can Geronimo Stiltonix and his crew find them before their special night?

"Appeals to 2nd-4th graders"--Page 4 of cover. "Reading level grade 4"--Page 4 of cover.

Translated from the Italian.

9781338032864 1338032860


Stilton, Geronimo--Juvenile fiction.
Stilton, Geronimo--Fiction.

Extraterrestrial beings--Juvenile fiction.
Mice--Juvenile fiction.
Planets--Exploration--Juvenile fiction.
Extraterrestrial beings--Fiction.
Outer space--Fiction.
Science fiction.
Humorous stoires.

Outer space--Juvenile fiction.