Your search returned 10 results.

The golden statue plot / text by Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Danilo Loizedda [and ten others] ; translated by Julia Heim. by Series: Geronimo Stilton ; #55 | Geronimo Stilton ; 55.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York: Scholastic, c2013
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (2)Call number: EFC MA STI G377 -55, ...

Run for the hills, Geronimo! / [text by] Geronimo Stilton ; [illustrations by WASABI! Studio (pencils) and Christian Aliprandi (color) ; graphics by Yuko Egusa ; translated by Julia Heim]. by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York : Scholastic, c2011
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (1)Call number: EFC MA STI G377 -47.

The haunted castle Geronimo Stilton ; [cover and interior illustrations by Claudio Cernuschi and Valentina Grassini ; translated by Julia Heim]. by Series: Geronimo Stilton ; #46
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York : Scholastic, 2011
Availability: Not available: GESM Library: Checked out (1).

The stinky cheese vacation Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Lorenzo De Pretto (design) and Davide Corsi (color) ; translated by Julia Heim by Series: Geronimo Stilton ; 57
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York : Scholastic, c2014
Online resources:
Availability: Not available: GESM Library: Checked out (1).

The mystery in Venice / [text by] Geronimo Stilton ; [illustrations by Lorenzo De Pretto (pencils) and Davide Corsi (color) ; translated by Julia Heim]. by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York : Scholastic, c2012
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (1)Call number: EFC MA STI G377 -48.

Micekings : The famouse fjord race Vol.2 Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Giuseppe Facciotto and Alessandro Costa ; translated by Julia Heim. by Series: Micekings ; 2 | Stilton, Geronimo. Micekings ; 2.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York, NY Scholastic Inc. [2016]
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (1)Call number: EFC/ MA/ STI M619-2.

Thea Stilton and the mystery in Paris Vol. 5 [text by Thea Stilton ; illustrations by Maria Abagnale ... et al. ; translated by Julia Heim]. by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York Scholastic c2010
Availability: Not available: EIS Library: Checked out (1). LFM BCDi Library: Checked out (1).

Back in time: the second journey through time Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Danilo Barozzi [and 8 others] ; translated by Julia Heim. by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York Scholastic Inc. 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (1)Call number: GFC/ HF/ STI G377.


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