Your search returned 8 results.

The Neanderthals by George Constable and the editors of Time-Life Books by Series: The Emergence of man
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York, Time-Life Books [1973]
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (1)Call number: ENA/ 573 CON.

Cavemice Vol. 2/ 2, Watch your tail! / [text by Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Giuseppe Facciotto (design) and Daniele Verzini (color) ; graphics by Marta Lorini ; translated by Emily Clement]. by Series: Geronimo Stilton
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York, NY : Scholastic Inc., c2013
Other title:
  • Watch Your Tail!
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (1)Call number: EFC/ MA STI G377 -2.

The adventures of Ook and Gluk : kung-fu cavemen from the future by George Beard and Harold Hutchins by Series: The Adventures of Ook and Gluk ; 2
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York : Scholastic c2010
Other title:
  • Ook and Gluk : kung-fu cavemen from the future
Availability: Not available: LFM BCDi Library: In transit (1).

Gods and warriors Vol. 1 Book one Michelle Paver. by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York Dial Books for Young Readers c2012
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (1)Call number: EFC/ SF/ PAC G589-1.

Stonehenge : 2000 B.C. Bernard Cornwell by
Edition: 1st U.S. ed.
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York HarperCollins c2000
Availability: No items available.

Cavemice : Sea monster surprise! Vol.11 Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Giuseppe Facciotto (design) and Alessandro Costa (color) ; translated by Andrea Schaffer. by Series: Cavemice ; 11 | Stilton, Geronimo. Cavemice ; 11.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English Original language: Italian
Publication details: New York, NY Scholastic Inc. [2016]
Availability: Items available for loan: GESM Library (1)Call number: EFC/ HF/ STI C378-11.

The Neanderthals by George Constable and the editors of Time-Life Books by Series: The Emergence of man
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York, Time-Life Books [1973]
Availability: No items available.

˜Aœ bone from a dry sea Peter Dickinson by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York, NY Laurel-Leaf Books 1995
Availability: No items available.


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